پنجشنبه، آذر ۲۴، ۱۳۸۴

Imagine it , even though , it is hard to do so
A world in witch every man is very lucky.
A world in witch money , race and power are not considered as position.
The reply to homophonies is not riot police.
Neither it has nuclear bomb nor bomber , nor mortar.
No child would leave his foot on the landmine anymore.
All are free and without pain.
You won’t read , whales sucide in the newspaper.
Imagine a world without disgust and gunpowder.
Without opinionated cruelty , without panic and coffin.
Imagine it , even if it is a crime.
Even if your throat is filled with collyrium by calling its name.
Imagine a world in which prison is a legend.
All of the wars of this world has lead to armistice.
No body is the master , people are of the same position.
Every seed of wheat is a share for every man.
With no border and domination , fatherland means the whole world.
Imagine that you can be the fulfillment of this dream.

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